Norton Critical Edition Gulliver's Travels Political Significance

Gulliver's Travels (First Edition) (Norton Critical Editions) By Jonathan Swift, Albert J. Rivero (Editor), ,Albert J. Rivero,,



Number of Pages:528



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Product Type:Book

Publisher:W. Due west. Norton & Company

Description:  First published in 1726, this classic piece of work of satire presents a world gone haywire, where humans, despite their pomposity and grandiose illusions, are no better than weak and helpless fools. Lemuel Gulliver's journeys have him to Lilliput, a country whose inhabitants are no more than six inches alpine; to Brobdingnag, a land of giants; to Laputa, a flying isle inhabited past absent people; and to the state of Houyhnhnms, where horselike creatures rule with intelligence and courtesy over repulsive humanlike Yahoos. One of literature'due south lasting legacies, Swift's trenchant cautionary tale is a witty, allegorical depiction of people at their worst; nonetheless it may also exist read as an enchanting, playful children'due south story with universal appeal.  Shipwrecked and cast adrift, Lemuel Gulliver wakes to find himself in Lilliput, an island inhabited by trivial people, whose 6-inch height makes their quarrels over way and fame seem ridiculous. His subsequent encounters - with the crude giants of Brobdingnag, the abstracted scientists of Laputa, the philosophical Houyhnhnms and brutish Yahoos - give Gulliver new, bitter insights into human behaviour.Although Gulliver's journeys have united states to foreign and wonderful places, it is incommunicable to ignore the reflections of ourselves with which Swift peoples his realms, where humankind is seen in a satirical hall of mirrors as a macerated, magnified and finally bestial species. With its wild distortions, optical illusions and undertones of madness and the grotesque, Gulliver's Travels defies our expectations of a conventional traveller's tale. Information technology is in fact a brillantly and rudelly subversive book.

Library of Congress Control Number
   - LC control Number: 2001041005
   - LC control Number:2001041005

National Bibliography Number
   - Source:bnb:GBA378532

International Standard Book Number:0393957241:0-393-95724-one:0393957241 (pbk.):9780393957242 (pbk.):Rs 195

Level of Bibliographic Control and Coding Detail:COUTTS

Language Code
   - Language code of text/audio runway or separate championship:English

Library of Congress Call Number
   - Classification number:PR3724.G7
   - Classification number:PR3724.G8
   - Item number:R58 2002

Dewey Decimal Classification Number
   - Edition number:21
   - Classification number:823.5
   - Classification number:823/.5

Main Entry - Personal Proper noun
   - Personal name:Rivero
   - Personal name:Swift
   - Personal name:Swift, Jonathan,
   - Numeration:A J
   - Numeration:Jonathan
   - Dates associated with a name:1667-1745
   - Dates associated with a name:1667-1745.
   - Date of a work:ed

Title Statement
   - Title:Gulliver's travels
   - Title:Gulliver's travels :
   - Remainder of title:based on the 1726 text : contexts, criticism /
   - Remainder of title:based on the 1726 text, contexts, criticism /
   - Residue of championship:by Jonathan Swift; ed by A J Rivero
   - Statement of responsibility, etc.:Jonathan Swift ; edited by Albert J. Rivero
   - Statement of responsibility, etc.:Jonathan Swift ; edited past Albert J. Rivero.:eng

Edition Statement:1st ed:1st ed.

Publication, Distribution, etc. (Imprint)
   - Place of publication, distribution, etc.:London :
   - Identify of publication, distribution, etc.:New York
   - Place of publication, distribution, etc.:New York :
   - Identify of publication, distribution, etc.:New York, N.Y. ;
   - Name of publisher, distribution, etc.:[s.due north]
   - Name of publisher, distribution, etc.:Norton,
   - Date of publication, distribution, etc.:2002.
   - Date of publication, distribution, etc.:c2002
   - Engagement of publication, distribution, etc.:c2002.:UK

Projected Publication Date:0112

Physical Description
   - Extent:010
   - Extent:511p.
   - Extent:x, 511 p. :
   - Extent:x, 511p. :
   - Other concrete details:ill.
   - Other physical details:ill. ;
   - Other concrete details:ill., maps ;
   - Dimensions:21 cm
   - Dimensions:21 cm.
   - Dimensions:22 cm.
   - Dimensions:22cm.

Series Statement/Added Entry - Championship:A Norton critical edition:A Norton critical edition.:Norton critical edition

Serial Statement:A Norton critical edition:A Norton critical edition.:Norton critical edition

Bibliography, etc. Note
   - Bibliography:Includes bibliographical references (p. 509-511)
   - Bibliography:Includes bibliographical references (p. 509-511).
   - Bibliography:Includes bibliographical references.

Formatted Contents Note:Text of Gulliver's travels: Travels: Voyage to Lilliput -- Voyage to Brobdingnag -- Voyage to Laputa, Balnibarbi, Glubbdubdrib, Luggnag and Japan -- Voyage to the Country of the Houyhnhnms -- Contexts: Advertisement -- Letter of the alphabet from Captain Gulliver, to his Cousin Sympson (A paragraph on Queen Anne)(The Lindalinian Rebellion) -- From Swift's correspondence -- Alexander Pope's poems on Gulliver's Travels -- Lilliputian ode on the engine with which Captain Gulliver extinguished the Flames of the Regal Palace -- Edmund Curll -- From observations, &c. Upon the travels of Lemuel Gulliver -- (The travels of Martinus Scriblerus) -- William Dampier -- From a new voyage round the earth -- Samuel Sturmy -- From the Mariner's Mag -- Francois Rabelais -- From Gargantua and Pantagruel, book 5, chapter 22 -- Robert Hooke -- Business relationship of a dog dissected -- Criticism: Earl of Orrery -- (some remarks on Gulliver'due south Voyage to the Houyhnhnms) -- Sir Walter Scott -- (on Gulliver's Travels) -- Pat Rogers -- Gulliver'southward glasses -- Michael McKeon -- (Virtue and truth in Gulliver's Travels) -- J.A. Downie -- Political significance of Gulliver's Travels -- J. Paul Hunter -- Gulliver'due south Travels and the novel -- Laura Brown -- (reading race and gender in Gulliver's Travels) -- Douglas Lane Patey -- Swift's satire on "Scientific discipline" and the sctructure of Gulliver'due south Travels -- Dennis Todd -- Hairy maid at the Harpsichord: Some speculations on the meaning of Gulliver's Travels -- Richard H. Rodino -- "Splendide Mendax": Authors, characters, and readers in Gulliver's Travels -- Irvin Ehrenpreis -- Evidence and tell in Gulliver'south Travels -- Janine Barchas (Paratext of the Travels: Gulliver's many faces) -- Claude Rawson -- Gulliver and others: Reflections on Swift's "I" narrators -- Howard D. Weinbrot -- Swift, Horace and Virgil: Brave lies, dangerous horses, and truth -- Jonathan Swift: Chronology -- Selected bibliography.

Summary, etc.:The voyages of an Englishman carry him to such strange places as Lilliput, where people are six inches tall; Brobdingnag, a land of giants; and a land ruled by horses.

Local Notes:UTM has UTSC copy on STL

Subject Added Entry - Personal Name
   - Personal proper name:Swift, Jonathan,
   - Dates associated with a proper noun:1667-1745.
   - Title of a work:Gulliver'south travels
   - Championship of a work:Gulliver's travels.

Subject Added Entry - Topical Term
   - Topical term or geographic name entry element:English language
   - Topical term or geographic name entry element:Gulliver, Lemuel (Fictitious character)
   - Topical term or geographic proper noun entry element:Imaginary societies
   - Topical term or geographic proper noun entry element:Satire, English
   - Topical term or geographic name entry element:Travelers
   - Topical term or geographic proper name entry chemical element:Travelers in literature
   - Topical term or geographic name entry element:Travelers in literature.
   - Topical term or geographic name entry element:Voyages, Imaginary
   - Form subdivision:Early works to 1800
   - Class subdivision:Early on works to 1800.
   - Form subdivision:Fiction
   - Form subdivision:Fiction.
   - General subdivision:History and criticism
   - General subdivision:History and criticism.

Index Term - Genre/Grade
   - Source of term:gsafd
   - Source of term:gsafd.
   - Source of term:lcsh
   - Source of term:lcsh.
   - Genre/form information or focus term:Fantasy fiction.
   - Genre/course data or focus term:Satire.

Added Entry - Personal Name
   - Personal name:Cunningham, William F.,
   - Personal name:Rivero, Albert J.,
   - Dates associated with a proper noun:1953-
   - Relator term:donor.

Series Added Entry - Uniform Title
   - Uniform title:Norton critical edition
   - Uniform title:Norton critical edition.

Holding Establishment:NBGL-734430

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