Best Places to Travel Alone Single Women

And then, y'all're looking for the best places for solo female travel?

You've come up to the right place. For the last viii years I have been travelling the world solo. I have crossed 6 continents, entered about eighty country borders and had such a fun time along the manner.

It hasn't e'er been like shooting fish in a barrel travelling the world solo as a woman, just information technology has certainly been a challenge. If I were to pick just one affair that has fabricated me who I am today, it would be solo travel.

But I was nervous when I first started solo travelling as a woman.

I was twenty years sometime when I took my starting time take a chance overseas alone. I was a flake of an introvert, more than inclined to read a book at dark over bar hopping.

But over the years I have become so fond of solo travel that despite having friends I could travel with, I nonetheless prefer to go solo. Here'due south why, how and the all-time places for solo female travel!

The best places for solo female travel

The best places for solo female travel

When it comes to choosing a destination for a solo risk, every bit a woman some destinations are inherently better than others.

Whether it be that they are safer or easier to travel lone, these destinations are my superlative picks.

Each of these destinations I accept visited lone, and then I'm coming to y'all with outset-manus recommendations of the best solo female person travel destinations. All of them are tried and tested!


New Zealand

At that place are few destinations as whimsical and ethereal as New Zealand. With epic mount ranges and endless landscapes to bask, New Zealand is the capital of adventure travel. This is a great pick for solo females as New Zealand is prophylactic just more than importantly, there are plenty of activities and adventures to proceed yourself busy. I'd recommend opting for the Due south Island and if you're up for it, hire a van to explore solo!

Shiga Prefecture Japan | WORLD OF WANDERLUST


Next on our line up is a country that never ceases to amaze me – Nihon. This is hands downwards one of my favourite countries to explore and even better, it is perfect for solo female travellers. If you're looking for a quick escape, you can come across the highlights of Japan in just 7 days. Alternatively, you can have your time and spend up to a month riding trains around the country. My favourite cities include Kyoto, Tokyo and Osaka. But my favourite experience of all was staying with Buddhist Monks.

Driving Guide to the Icefields Parkway | WORLD OF WANDERLUST


Onwards to Canada: the land of open up landscapes, long highways and incredibly friendly locals. I've been lucky plenty to visit Canada a handful of times over the past few years and each visit is ameliorate than the final. Cities like Vancouver are a great place to get-go, withal my all time favourite feel was driving the Icefields Parkway. In that location'southward something so magical and surreal about a length route trip on your ain.

Castle Germany


Germany volition forever hold a special identify in my heart as information technology is the outset country I ever lived as an expat. Around 6 years ago I grew tired of non-stop travels and after a year on the route, I settled in Berlin for a few months. It was one of the best experiences of my life for so many reasons. Merely almost of all, I only loved German culture. There always seems to be something quirky to experience or enjoy, peculiarly in Berlin. Germany is a smashing country to explore solo past train and fifty-fifty improve, to live every bit an expat. Berlin is full of them!


French republic

I've ever wanted to explore the countryside of France with a boyfriend (probably French) in tow. But guess what? Life had other plans. I visited the countryside of France solo and had a blast. There's something and then endlessly romantic almost this country, that information technology took me a while to want to visit alone. But once I did, I wished I had done it sooner. Europe is filled with keen destinations for solo travellers so don't merely stop in that location. Scan the residue of this article for some great add-ons!

How to Spend Four Days in Barcelona | WORLD OF WANDERLUST


Spain is i such perfect add-on for your European itinerary. I'd recommend a solid three month stint in Europe if you really want to see it all. Alternatively if time is not on your side, you can really see a lot of the continent in simply ane month. A nifty itinerary would include France, Spain, Italy and Croatia. Whilst in Espana, brand sure you don't miss Barcelona – this city has my heart!

Harry Potter Scotland | WOW


There are few trips that are as prominent in my mind as my time in the Scottish Highlands. The scenery tin can be so surreal that you begin to believe the tales of fairies and giants (no kidding!) If I could choose anywhere to return to solo and spend more fourth dimension, it would be far abroad in the Scottish Highlands. I did my trip in 1 week only I'd recommend two.

Must Visit Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka

Another trip I wish I spent longer on is my visit to Sri Lanka. This tropical oasis has go increasingly popular of late as an alternative to Bali and indeed, it is the perfect place to accept your own Eat Pray Honey moment. There are some keen yoga retreats and surf camps on offer, and then you can also meet fellow travellers.

Flinders ranges travel solo | WORLD OF WANDERLUST

Commonwealth of australia

A lot of women enquire me on Instagram what I'd suggest between a solo trip to New Zealand and a solo adventure in Australia. The reply is: why cull but one? You can travel by aeroplane between Australia and New Zealand in just a few hours, and then this is a peachy combination for solo female travellers. When in Commonwealth of australia be sure to take your adventure outdoors into the Aussie outback. You lot won't regret it! If you're more of an island gal, bank check out these hugger-mugger islands in Australia.



I don't know if I beloved Italy as much every bit a love pizza or I love pizza as much as I love Italy. Regardless, I dear eating pizza in Italy. Adventuring effectually the Italian countryside and once-in-a-lifetime cities like Rome is 1 of my favourite pastimes. This is a state perfect for solo travellers equally information technology is total of history, great food (how-do-you-do carbs) and so much to explore. I'll never tire of Italian adventures.

Thailand solo travel


Another great alternative to Bali for fans of the volume Eat Pray Love is nearby Thailand. This is one of the first countries I visited back in 2010 and I instantly roughshod in love. There is something so mesmerising near the temples, matched with the anarchy of Thai street markets. If y'all're a solo traveller who prefers to get lost in the thick of it, Thailand is a great identify to do just that.


When I first landed in Portugal some six or 7 years ago my instant reaction was "how did information technology take me and so long to get here?" There'south something about the urban center of Lisbon that feels and then inviting – the sea of colours, fun bars to observe and great food. The locals are extremely warm and welcoming, and so it is piddling wonder I returned a few years later to explore the South of Portugal. I'd recommend at least four nights in Lisbon, with a further week or two if you programme to adventure through the countryside.

World of Wanderlust Travel Totes

The states

The United states of america sometimes gets a bad reputation for non being adventurous enough. I disagree. There are so many adventures to be had throughout united states, from ballsy cities similar New York Urban center through to soulful escapes in Arizona. I will never tire of exploring this country!

Some of my favourite adventures include travelling to upstate New York, route tripping through Arizona and exploring Joshua Tree in Southern California.

At that place are many ways to go around and see the United states. Road trips are the most pop way to travel cross-country, although there are some corking train journeys to be had within state lines. If you are spoiling yourself for a birthday or special occasion, Limo Find offer some great shuttle services ranging from buses to private cars.

Lovcen Montenegro | WORLD OF WANDERLUST


Montenegro is i of the nearly surprising countries I accept visited. I had never heard virtually it before I was invited to speak at a media conference, so I jumped at the opportunity to go. This country in the Due south of Europe is incredibly underrated and ane of my favourite finds in the past two years. It is extremely safety to visit solo – I rented a car for a two week adventure.

How to make the most of Four Days in Iceland | WORLD OF WANDERLUST

Republic of iceland

Republic of iceland will forever be one of my favourite countries. Earlier I even visited I was obsessed. If you can time your visit outside of the colder months (no one likes driving in a snowfall storm) Iceland is ane of the best places for solo female travellers. Who doesn't love an epic adventure!

A Day Trip to Gozo Malta | WORLD OF WANDERLUST


Malta is a land that surprised me when I visited a few years ago and I only wish I had accept spent more fourth dimension in that location. This is a not bad add on to an itinerary in Greece or Italy, every bit it is a short flight away and much cheaper than other countries with mass tourism.

Vila Bled Slovenia | World of Wanderlust


If y'all're looking for a country in Europe that is flying under the radar, look no further than Slovenia. I recently spent two weeks exploring the country solo in a rental auto and it was a jam-packed itinerary! For a country that is small in size information technology certain offers a lot to visitors. Be sure not to miss the famous Lake Bled, one of the most beautiful lakes on earth.

Torres del Paine Chile | WORLD OF WANDERLUST


Of all the countries I visited solo in South America, Chile was not but the safest every bit a solo female person traveller simply it was also my favourite. There's a lot to encounter in Chile without adding other countries to your itinerary. Beginning with Santiago and and so make your way North to the Atacama Desert, South to Patagonia and if your budget allows, visit the mysterious Easter Island.

Where to Travel Solo | Amsterdam WORLD OF WANDERLUST

The Netherlands

I travelled to The Netherlands solo for x days on my book tour back in 2017. I nevertheless tin't believe my volume was translated into another language and meliorate notwithstanding, I got to see my Dutch readers! It was amazing to come across how much more there is to see in The Netherlands beyond Amsterdam. You lot can easily spend ii weeks travelling the country past train. Be sure to visit other cities like The Hague, Delft, Utrecht and Maastricht!

Travel without leaving home


Of all the best places for solo female travel, Bali has got to top that list. There is perhaps nowhere else on earth as soul-fulfilling as Bali. My favourite area to stay is in Canggu, which has get really pop over the last few years. Regardless, it is nevertheless here where you lot volition observe the best cafes and co-working spaces, and so it is perfect for female entrepreneurs!


Solo travel guide

Solo travel must haves

Brooke Saward founded World of Wanderlust equally a place to share inspiration from her travels and to inspire others to run into our earth. She at present divides her time between adventures abroad and adventures in the kitchen, with a particular weakness for French pastries.

Find me on: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook

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